Curriculum Vitae
2010 Year 3, Native Studies/Education, University of Alberta 2008 Year 2, Native Studies/Education, University of Alberta
2007 University Transfer, Keyano College,
1996 Boreal Forest Institute for the Indigenous Arts, Keyano College (Instructors: Alex Janvier, RCA,
Joane Cardinal-Schubert, Jane Ash-Poitras, Edward Poitras, Brian Clark, Rebecca Belmore, Garry Bertieg)
Bibliography and Related Experience
2022 Public Art Commission for a pillar in PÎYÊSÎW WÂSKÂHIKAN in the Stanley Milner Edmonton Public Library
2022 Corporate Commission with Agricultural Financial Services to create an original artwork to recognize Treaty with reproductions in all of their offices across Alberta.
2022 Corporate Commission with Nova Cannabis to create small artworks to display in all Alberta Stores to recognize the different Treaty Territories that their stores reside in.
2022 Punctuate Theatre Artist in Residency. Collaboration with a Theatre Company to design the set for a play scheduled to premiere in Toronto, ON, April 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HIAO8ehGYc&list=PLqcLAnY48DAtIqmgYO1ukvz3tZDUnUMVW&index=6&t=7s
2021 Lights Strikes presented at Dubai World Expo by Dreamspeakers. November
2021 Quebec Lead artist for Pima’tisowin e’mimtotaman; We Dance for Life. August
2021 Owner and Operator of Blue Horse Gallery and Studio as create a space to exhibit local and emerging artists and focus on her own studio art practise in Smoky Lake, AB. April
2020 Brought Shared Skies to Bonnyville Lakeland Credit Union.
2020 Interactive art exhibit, Town of Smoky Lake, Curated 20 local artists for a one day gallery using Covid restrictions to boost Community morale.
2020 Smoky Lake Walking Gallery, Town of Smoky Lake and Smoky Lake Chamber of Commerce. Maintained for the year switching work out quarterly. Curated 12 local artists in 15 shop windows with a mandate to include Indigenous art forms.
2019 Installed permanent artwork in Concordia University’s Indigenous Student Resource Centre to recognize the 4 directions. Birch on drywall pillar.
2019 Overstretched: A Retrospective of her last 10 years, Cahcacep Art and Teahouse, Edmonton, AB
2019 Comforting Spaces, Mile Zero Dance Studio: Introduction of the Shared Skies Project.
2018 Nuit Blanche 2018, Edmonton. Lead artist and co-ordinator for “The Longest Journey”
2018 I.A.M. and I.A.M.C. – Indigenous Artist Movement and Indigenous Artist Market Collective. Lead facilitator and organizer. Included first exhibit and fundraiser at ATB Arts and Culture Branch
2017 Dawn Marie Marchand, Indigenous Artist in Residence Celebration and Showcase, Edmonton City Hall
2017 The Longest Journey, Grant MacEwan University Campus
2017 Land and Spirit Exhibit, Northlands Expo Centre, National Gathering of Elders (Curator)
2017 The Dream we Form by Being Together-Borealis Gallery, Alberta Legislature
2017 Rubaboo Festival Art Exhibit- Gallerie Cite
Higgins M. "Sharing Culture and Creativity" Alberta Primetime, http://alberta.ctvnews.ca/sharing-culture-and-creativity-1.3693143, November 2017
Maimann K. “Edmonton celebrates work of first Indigenous artist in residence” http://www.metronews.ca/news/edmonton/2017/11/08/edmonton-celebrates-work-of-first-indigenous-artist-in-residence.html, November 2017
Johnson Specht S. “Artist of the Month” and cover art, Muse Magazine http://edmontonmuse.ca/?page_id=13, November 2017
Hampshire G. “Edmonton Indigenous artist in residence honours Treaty 6 in final exhibit” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-indigenous-artist-residence-dawn-marie-marchand-1.4380374, November, 2017
Shenfield M. “The Longest Journey” http://thegriff.ca/2017/10/the-longest-journey/, October 2017
Hampshire G. “Art exhibit honours elders at Edmonton national gathering” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/national-gathering-elders-art-1.4289693, September, 2017
Women’s Initiative Edmonton, “On Women, Advocacy and Art: Indigenous Artist-In-Residence Dawn Marie Marchand” http://womensinitiativeedmonton.ca/on-women-advocacy-and-art-indigenous-artist-in-residence-dawn-marie-marchand/, June 2017
Writing Stick Festival: On site painting. https://www.facebook.com/pg/DawnMarieArtist/posts/?ref=page_internal, June 2017
Stepanic, M. “Artist Spotlight” Where Magazine, https://where.ca/alberta/edmonton/artist-spotlight-dawn-marie-marchand/, May 2017
Barerra J. "Federal Prison Corporation's Selling of Moccasins, Drums for Revenue Exploitative Says Cree-Metis Artist, November 16, 2016, http://aptn.ca/news/2016/11/16/federal-prison-corporations-selling-of-moccasins-drums-for-revenue-exploitative-says-cree-metis-artist/
Powers S. “Art that Matters” Avenue Magazine, Edmonton, AB, November, 2016 http://www.avenueedmonton.com/City-Life/Detours/Arts-Culture/Art-That-Matters/
Marchand D. M. “Prayers for My Sisters: Street Installation” September, 2016. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/loving-tribute-to-missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-part-of-edmonton-art-installation-1.3766387
Marchand D. M. Appointed as City of Edmonton's First “Indigenous Artist in Residence” July 1, 2016 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/edmonton-names-first-indigenous-artist-in-residence-1.3691570 http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/07/25/dawn-marie-marchand_n_11185608.html http://www.cbc.ca/radio/candy/the-candy-palmater-show-for-august-2-2016-1.3703910
Marchand D.M “Art and Reconciliation” A talk that I gave at the Art Gallery of Alberta on June 21, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ-7ACCyJQY&t=12s
Marchand D. M. “Touch the Sky: Artwork of Brad Ponicappo” A collaboration between Art Mentorship Society of Alberta and Ambrose Place to give a terminal client his first and possibly only exhibit in his lifetime. March 2016
Marchand D. M. RedX Talks, Edmonton Alberta “Art is the Medicine” February, 2016 https://vimeo.com/168471495
Marchand D. M. “Edmonton Treaty 6” A collaboration between myself and Free Footie to design a soccer ball with information about the local Indigenous population around the Edmonton area to be given to 1300+ students in 35 different lower income and inner city schools. December, 2015
Marchand D. M. A Burst of Brightness Multicultural Bazaar. A Collaboration between Art Mentorship Society and Ambrose Place to expose clients to marketing and sales of their work in micro business ventures.
Marchand D. M. “Out in the Open: Why you won’t find my work in galleries”, SNAPline Magazine, August, 2015
Marchand D. M. Completed artwork on “How the Cree Got Horses”-based on an oral history from the Sweetgrass First Nation originally published by Donna Paskeman given to her by her Father, Myron. Preview Exhibit-First Nations Healing Workshop-North Battleford, Saskatchewan to give the community the first look and get feedback. August, 2015
Marchand D.M. “Authenticity”-All that Matters, CJSR Interview on Authenticity and Cultural Appropriation https://soundcloud.com/cjsrfm/all-that-matters-authenticity#c=494&t=0:00, August 2015
Simons, P. “Edmonton Folk Music Festival hopes to fend off hipsters in headdresses before they arrive” http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Simons+Edmonton+Folk+Music+Festival+hopes+fend+hipsters+headdresses+before+they+arrive/11217299/story.html, July, 2015
Marchand D. M. Helper for the “We are the Land Conference: Food Sovereignty and Renewable Energy Conference”, June 2015
Marchand D. M. Delegate for the Channeling Connections: Indigenous Arts Gathering, May 2015
Marchand D. M. kâ-katawasisicik iskwêwak Retreat: Took 13 women into the Kootenay Mountains for a 2 Day retreat to explore concepts of Indigenous Beauty. Will be planning a series of exhibits around the artwork and photography. May 2015
Marchand D. M. Walrus Talks: Aboriginal City-Producer of the Aboriginal Art Exhibit with Dawn Sanders Dahl. We brought in over 30 artists. I also produced a short film which was playing in the back of the room. April 2015, http://www.edmontonarts.ca/eac_projects/walrus_talks/Marchand D. M. Indigenous Scholars Conference: Story Night Speaker and Youth Presenter. March 2015 http://www.aboriginaleducation.ualberta.ca/content/dawn-marie-marchand
Marchand D. M. Rubaboo Festival: Fusion Night participant and gallery assistant. January 2015
Marchand D.M. Blue Quills First Nation College-Art Camp. Was one of 3 artists working at Blue Quills for a full immersion art program. Worked in mixed media visual art emphasizing the oral history of Treaty 6 and the spirit and intent of Treaty. September, 2014
Marchand D. M. itah kakohtayek kitacimowina - A Place to Hang Your Stories; Indian Residential School
Installation. Installed at City Hall during the TRC event, CBC Mainstage, City Centre Mall, Edmonton, AB The Works Festival Big Tent, “Reconciliation?”, Edmonton, AB, Kehewin Treaty Days, Kehewin, AB, Indian Family Centre, Winnipeg, MB and Neechi Commons, Winnipeg, MB, 2014
Marchand D. M. Truth and Reconciliation Commission Collaborative Community Art Project. http://www.scribd.com/doc/202462181/A-Place-to-Hang-Your-Stories-Information-1-25-14-2 https://www.facebook.com/groups/470325939739515/?bookmark_t=group
1.2590683 http://www.ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/art-part-healing-process-residential-schools
Marchand D. M. Circle of Change Panel Discussion: with Mayor Don Iveson, Elder Fred Campiou, Archbishop Richard Smith. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/the-legacy-of-canada-sresidential-schools-1.2588414
Marchand D. M. kiyas aspin: wrote and researched this exhibit for Enterprise Place Galleries http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/groundbreaking-indigenous-art-back-in-alberta-1.2624162
Marchand D. M. Keepers of the Water: Beaver River Council Water Conference. Organizer and facilitator, June 2014. Cold Lake Alberta
Marchand D. M. Walk for Future Generations: Participant. Cold Lake, Alberta. October 2013 https://storify.com/Cree8Dawn/walk-for-future-generations-day-1
Marchand D. M. Top 100 Women in Business Edmonton, Wander Online, December 2013 http://www.thewandereronline.com/top-100-edmonton-women-in-business/
Marchand D.M. Blue Quills First Nation College-Art Camp. Was one of 5 artists working at Blue Quills for a full immersion art program. Worked in mixed media visual art. Acrylic, ink and pastel works were created. September 2013
Marchand D. M. "Monto" Installation at the Edmonton International Folk Festival. Collaboration with
Indigenous Peoples Art and Culture Coalition, Edmonton Folk Festival, Wicihtowin Circle of Shared
Stewardship, Canadian Native Friendship Centre, Aboriginal Women's Professional Association,
Edmonton Aboriginal Senior's Centre, The City of Edmonton, Sun Rae Landscaping and Cheyanne Tree Farm. July and August, 2013 http://storify.com/Cree8Dawn/monto-the-story-behind-the-installation https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.578898155493560.1073741828.4477309786 10279&type=3
Marchand D. M. Youth Treaty Banners Project. National Treaty Gathering, Onion Lake, AB. July 2013 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.588874677829241.1073741829.447730978610279 &type=1
Marchand D.M. “Bridging the longest distance”. Two conversations about how the City of Edmonton can better engage its Indigenous Grassroots artists. June 2013. Spoke with CBC-Edmonton about it with Aaron Paquette and Portia Clark. Aired June 2013 https://soundcloud.com/cbc-edmonton/aconversation-about
Marchand D. M. “Collaborative Large Scale Painting”. February and March, 2013 Worked with students at Archbishop Oscar Romero School to design and finish a 40 x 40” painting that will stay in their Braided Journey’s room.
Marchand D. M. Visual Essays Workshop-Idle No More Discussion Panel Guest-Crafts and guest speaker facilitation. Concordia University College. Aboriginal Day of Research and Discovery. March 15, 2013
Marchand D. M. Art Integration Workshop. Little Red Deer River Education Authority. Education Conference at the Ramada Inn, Edmonton, Alberta. March 2013
Marchand D. M. Artist Presentation: Rupertsland Institute Métis Training to Employment Services's and Creating Hope Society Career Fair. March 2013
Marchand D. M. Cree Culture as Survivance . February 2013. Discussion at Concordia University College for Philosophy of Human Nature
Marchand D. M. "Living my Kokum's Words", January 29, 2013. http://dividednomore.ca/2013/01/29/living-my-kokums-words/
Marchand D.M. Compiling, researching and updating "Selected Readings" December - present, www.idlenomore.ca
Notre Dame Elementary School in Bonnyville, AB wrote a digital thank you note for a gift that I left for them. December 2012. http://myweb.lcsd150.ab.ca/groups/notredameelementary/weblog/ef4b0/HiyHiy_Thank_You_Dawn_M arie_Marchand.html
Cree Literacy Network used image called, Things to pass on: mamahwohkamatowin, on their page,
"Traditional Teachings passed on via Solomon Rat" December, 2012. http://creeliteracy.org/page/3/
Marchand D. M. and Paquette A. "Cree8 Success Conference w/ Dawn Marie Marchand and Aaron Paquette" Indigenous Waves Radio. November 2012.
Marchand D. M. “Visual Essays: Giving them the chance to show what they know.” Conference Coordinator/Facilitator, Cree8 Success Conference 2012. November 2012. http://www.cree8success.com/dawn-marie-marchand/
Marchand D. M. “First Nations Strategies for Successful Engagement”. Guest Lecture. Canadian Art Therapy Association Conference, October, 2012. http://catainfo.ca/cata/wpcontent/uploads/2012/07/Schedule1.pdf
Marchand D. M. “From the Outside: From the Inside”. Guest lecture. Art-Based Studio, University of Alberta. April, 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uHZvnTjThQ video of the lecture http://artsbasedresearchstudio.ning.com/video/video/show?id=6519027%3AVideo%3A2575
Edmonton Public School Board. Junior High Aboriginal Art Project. Coordinator. March 2012 Facilitator:
Nathaniel Arcand. Coordinator Assistant and Co-Facilitator March 2011. Facilitator: Linus Woods.
Coordinator Assistant and Co-Facilitator March 2010. Facilitator: Aaron Paquette. Coordinator Assistant and Co-Facilitator March 2009. Facilitator: Suzanne McCleod.
Marchand D.M. “Barriers to Aboriginal Student Success”. Guest lecture. Faculty of Education. University of Alberta. Telus Lecture Theatre. February 2012, October 2011, February 2011, May, 2010.
Marchand D.M. “Confronting False Beliefs in Young Women”. Guest Lecture. Love Conference-Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women, February, 2012
Reclaiming Youth International: Response Abilities Pathways Train the Trainer Certification. December, 2011.
Ryan, J. “First Nations exhibit a study in perspectives.” Edmonton Journal November 2011. http://www2.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=92169c15-1184-4db0-99b639406cec2ae4
Meili , D. “U of A Hospital gallery showcases diverse talent”, Sweetgrass Magazine V18, I11, 2011. http://www.ammsa.com/publications/alberta-sweetgrass/u-hospital-gallery-showcases-diverse-talent
Marchand, D. M. “Circle of Courage Infusion into the Alberta Indigenous Games 2011”, Reclaiming Children and Youth Magazine V. 20, I 3, Fall 2011
Marchand, D. M. Circle of Courage Coordinator, Alberta Indigenous Games 2011.
Marchand D.M. “Living in Ceremony; A Practical Metaphor for Life”. Guest lecture. Faculty of Art. Concordia University. April 2011.
Marchand D. M. “Storytelling influence in Contemporary Aboriginal Art”. Professional Development. Art Gallery of Alberta. February 2011
Sawchuk, S. “Letter from the Principal”, September 2010. http://brandergardens.epsb.ca/docs/SeptNewsletter2010.pdf
Opening Minds through the Arts: Completion Certification: July 2010
Marchand D. M. “Visual Story Telling”, “Barriers to Aboriginal Student Success”, “Applying the Circle of Courage”, “Contemporary Aboriginal Art”, “Infusing Aboriginal Perspective”. Professional Development. “Confronting False Beliefs”, “Native Pride”, “Culture Day Crew” and numerous programs and projects developed for students. Numerous one-to-one conversations and consultations. January 2009-June 2012.
Aboriginal Student Association. “The Song in the Northern Lights”. Wrote and performed a poem for Native Awareness Days. Master of Ceremonies. Keyano College, Ft. McMurray, AB.
Janvier Gallery. Manager’s Assistant Part-time. November 2004 – June 2006. Spent time archiving, organizing and cataloguing artwork, news clippings and inventory. I gave tours and answered correspondence.
Marchand D. M. “Building Bridges”. Program Coordinator. Lakeland Catholic School Division. September 2005 – June 2006.
Marchand D. M. “Creation of the World and Other Business”, “Dark of the Moon”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” Keyano Theatre. I played an Angel in Creation, a witch in Dark and did sets and props for Huck. 1994-1996
Marchand D. M. “Native Awareness Days” Keyano College 1995. Fashion Show. Coordinated and choreographed. Performance. Wrote and performed a one person play.
Selected Exhibitions
2017 Dawn Marie Marchand, Indigenous Artist in Residence Celebration and Showcase, Edmonton City Hall
2017 The Longest Journey, Grant MacEwan University Campus
2017 Land and Spirit Exhibit, Northlands Expo Centre, National Gathering of Elders (Curator)
2017 The Dream we Form by Being Together-Borealis Gallery, Alberta Legislature
2017 Rubaboo Festival Art Exhibit- Gallerie Cite
2016 AMSA Members and Mentors Show – Royal Alexandra Hospital
2016 AMSA Portraits Show – McMullen After Hours Gallery
2016 Prayers for my Sisters Installation, PARK(ing) Day
2016 AMSA Members and Mentors Show – McMullen After Hours Gallery
2016 Tru Konkrete – Boyle Street Plaza
2016 Rubaboo Festival Art Exhibit – Gallerie Cite
2015 kamamak Installation: PARK(ing) Day
2015 How the Cree Got Horses-Art for Book Preview Exhibit-First Nations Healing Workshop-North Battleford, Saskatchewan
2015 Walrus Talks: Aboriginal City-Producer of the Aboriginal Art Exhibit with Dawn Sanders Dahl
2015 Rubaboo Festival Art Exhibit- Gallerie La Cite (assisted with installation and organization)
2015 kisik anoch- individual exhibit at the Carrot Arthouse in March
2014 itah kakohtayek kitacimowina - A Place to Hang Your Stories; Indian Residential School Installation.
Installed at City Hall, CBC Mainstage, The Works International Visual Arts Festival Big Tent exhibit
“Reconciliation?”, Kehewin Treaty Days, Kehewin, AB, Indian Family Centre, Winnipeg, MB and Neechi Commons, Winnipeg, MB
2014 “kiyas aspin”, Enterprise Place Galleries, Edmonton, AB (Exhibit Advisor/Writer)
2013 Monto Installation. Folk Festival, Edmonton, AB
2013 Assorted works. Rubaboo Festival, Edmonton, AB
2013 Assorted works. Concordia University College Library
2012 “Sky Ponies” Series. Available at Scoles Framing and Fine Art. Saskatoon, SK 2012 “The Journey Home” Series. Expressionz Café. Edmonton, AB
2011 Shifting Patterns: McMullen Gallery, Edmonton, AB
2011 Linus Woods and the Junior High Art Project: Gallery at Milnar, Edmonton, AB (Curator) 2009 Tell Me Your Story: Gallery at Milnar, Edmonton, AB (Curator)
1997-2000 Royal Muttart Conservatory Travelling Exhibit, Canada-wide.
1996 Boreal Forest Institute Student Exhibit, Artworks Gallery, Ft. McMurray, AB
1996 Boreal Forest Institute Student Exhibit, Keyano Gallery, Ft. McMurray, AB (Curator) 1996 Keyano College Student Exhibit, Keyano College, Ft. McMurray, AB
1995 Keyano College Student Exhibit, Keyano College, Ft. McMurray, AB
Private collections
A.Paquette, Edmonton, AB-Commissioned
I. Day, Serpent River, ON
B. Cooke, Edmonton, AB
L. Woods, Edwin, MB
D. Nepinak, Winnipeg, MB
J. McEvoy, Cold Lake, AB
B. Courtney, Calgary, AB
Creating Hope Society, Edmonton, AB - Commissioned
G. Ouellette, Wetaskiwin, AB – Commissioned
A. & J. Janvier, Cold Lake, AB
Cold Lake First Nation, Cold Lake, AB - Commissioned
P. Campiou, Edmonton, AB – Commissioned
P. Ouellette, Fork Lake, AB
G. Chambers, Edmonton, AB
T & J Hunter, Edmonton, AB
J. Thom, Cochrane, AB
B & A Buffalo, Edmonton, AB
Numerous Others